Ash vs Evil Dead
"Ash vs Evil Dead," a 10-episode half-hour series, is the long-awaited follow-up to the classic horror film, The Evil Dead. The second season roars back into action with Ash leaving his beloved Jacksonville and returning to his hometown of Elk Grove, Michigan. There, he confronts Ruby. The former enemies have to form an uneasy alliance as Elk Grove soon becomes the nucleus of evil....
Starring Bruce Campbell, Ray Santiago, Dana Delorenzo
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Ash vs Evil Dead
"Ash vs Evil Dead," a 10-episode half-hour series, is the long-awaited follow-up to the classic horror film, The Evil Dead. The second season roars back into action with Ash leaving his beloved Jacksonville and returning to his hometown of Elk Grove, Michigan. There, he confronts Ruby. The former enemies have to form an uneasy alliance as Elk Grove soon becomes the nucleus of evil....
Starring Bruce Campbell, Ray Santiago, Dana Delorenzo
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Directed By
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