The Family Man
A successful workaholic Manhattan businessman wakes on Christmas morning in an alternate reality - husband to his old college flame and a dad with a middle-class lifestyle! Is it real or fantasy?...
Starring Nicolas Cage, Tea Leoni, Don Cheadle
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The Family Man
A successful workaholic Manhattan businessman wakes on Christmas morning in an alternate reality - husband to his old college flame and a dad with a middle-class lifestyle! Is it real or fantasy?...
Starring Nicolas Cage, Tea Leoni, Don Cheadle
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Nicolas CageTea LeoniDon CheadleJeremy PivenJosef SommerSaul RubinekMary Beth HurtHarve PresinellMakenzie VegaJake MilkovichRyan MilkovichLisa ThornhillHarve PresnellAmber VallettaFrancine York
Nicolas Cage, Tea Leoni, Don Cheadle, Jeremy Piven, Josef Sommer, Saul Rubinek, Mary Beth Hurt, Harve Presinell, Makenzie Vega, Jake Milkovich, Ryan Milkovich, Lisa Thornhill, Harve Presnell, Amber Valletta, Francine YorkDirected By
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Executive Produced By
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