Coming Sunday, April 6th
Abandoned by his lowlife owner, Doug, a naive but lovable dog named Reggie falls in with a gang of strays. Determined to seek revenge, Reggie and his new pals embark on an epic adventure to get him home and make Doug pay....
Starring Will Ferrell, Jamie Foxx, Isla Fisher
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Coming Sunday, April 6th
Abandoned by his lowlife owner, Doug, a naive but lovable dog named Reggie falls in with a gang of strays. Determined to seek revenge, Reggie and his new pals embark on an epic adventure to get him home and make Doug pay....
Starring Will Ferrell, Jamie Foxx, Isla Fisher
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Will FerrellJamie FoxxIsla FisherRandall ParkWill ForteBrett GelmanRob RiggleJosh GadSofía VergaraHarvey GuillenJamie Demetriou
Will Ferrell, Jamie Foxx, Isla Fisher, Randall Park, Will Forte, Brett Gelman, Rob Riggle, Josh Gad, Sofía Vergara, Harvey Guillen, Jamie DemetriouDirected By
Produced By
Louis Leterrier ...
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