Ray Charles' rags-to-riches story from his poor beginnings in Albany, Georgia to his rise through the music industry while battling racism, drug use, and problems in love....
Starring Jamie Foxx, Kerry Washington, Regina King
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Ray Charles' rags-to-riches story from his poor beginnings in Albany, Georgia to his rise through the music industry while battling racism, drug use, and problems in love....
Starring Jamie Foxx, Kerry Washington, Regina King
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Jamie FoxxKerry WashingtonRegina KingClifton PowellAunjanue EllisHarry J. LennixTerrence HowardLarenz TateBokeem WoodbineSharon WarrenCurtis ArmstrongRichard SchiffC.J. SandersWendell PierceChris Thomas King
Jamie Foxx, Kerry Washington, Regina King, Clifton Powell, Aunjanue Ellis, Harry J. Lennix, Terrence Howard, Larenz Tate, Bokeem Woodbine, Sharon Warren, Curtis Armstrong, Richard Schiff, C.J. Sanders, Wendell Pierce, Chris Thomas KingGet even more with STARZ
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