Deadly Code
In Siberia, a boy is raised by his grandfather in a community of criminals and taught to live by their ruthless moral code. He and his best friend become bitter enemies when each grows up to take a different path....
Starring Arnas Fedaravicius, Vilius Tumalavicius, Eleanor Tomlinson
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Deadly Code
In Siberia, a boy is raised by his grandfather in a community of criminals and taught to live by their ruthless moral code. He and his best friend become bitter enemies when each grows up to take a different path....
Starring Arnas Fedaravicius, Vilius Tumalavicius, Eleanor Tomlinson
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Arnas FedaraviciusVilius TumalaviciusEleanor TomlinsonJonas TrukanasPeter StormareJohn MalkovichArnas SliesoraitisPijus Grude
Arnas Fedaravicius, Vilius Tumalavicius, Eleanor Tomlinson, Jonas Trukanas, Peter Stormare, John Malkovich, Arnas Sliesoraitis, Pijus GrudeDirected By
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